Avocado Milkshake (No. 13)
(A fruit that helps you fight aging. It is very good for your skin and does not contain cholesterol. Helps reducing bold lipids. One deals with obesity, heart disease, or vascular diseases should definitely try it.)
Winter Melon, Pear & Lemon Juice (No. 35)
(White gourd or often known as “Winter Melon”, clears away the heat, relieves cough, and reduces sputum. It is best for fever and is good for skin as well.)
Chye Sim, Pineapple, Lemon & Sour Plum Juice (No. 5)
(Chye Sim. One of the Chinese Greens that is known for the blood cleansing property and helps clear away the heat. Chye Sim contains variety of vitamins. It prevents bleeding gum, boosts metabolism, and has positive effect towards constipation.)
Five Green Fruit Juice (No. 8)
(The recipe is designed to tackle with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, hemorrhoids and clears heat away.)
Pear Cucumber & Sour Plum Juice (No. 21)
(This recipe is known for its diuretic and edema eliminating virtues. It provides rich amount of Vitamin C that acts as whitening agent and antioxidant. It also clears away the heat.)
ABC Juice (No. 20)
(Beetroot contains folic acid that is very good for human body. It helps preventing anemia, swelling, high blood pressure and Alzheimer's disease (Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type).)
Green Smoothie w Pear, Spinach & Lemon Juice (No. 29)
(Spinach is known for its positive effect on blood deficiency and hemostasis. It loosens the bowel for better detoxification and helps to fight against anemia and high blood pressure. It helps eliminating dizziness due to blood deficiency.)