Thank you so much for taking good care of the COVID-19 patients. Hope that this meal brings joy to you and encourages you to keep going! Cheers!
Thank you to our front line heroes for being so incredibly brave and helping countless folks that are affected by the virus. Applaud your acts of selflessness!!
Thank you for persevering!
Thank you for serving in the frontline! We will always be here to support you!
Stay strong, stay healthy. Thank you for all your amazing work. =) The Lim-McDonalds
Dear Healthcare workers as well as all support staff (including Cleaners, assistants), thank you for making sure that the patients and those requiring care are being looked after with love and patience. You make an Read More...
You are truly heroic. Thank you for all you do and stay safe!
Thank you for risking your lives for us!
Thank you for your hard work and enjoy the meal!
Thank you for your dedication in these unprecedented times in ensuring the community at large stay safe!
Thank you to all our heroes for working hard day and night for us and fighting the virus!! Jiayouzz we are all hoping this will end soon!! We all love you and will support you all the way!
Thank you for all the hard work!
Thank you for doing all the hard work that I could not do
Thank you for your selflessness. Stay safe!
You are the heroes of Singapore!! SG United!